round() function in python is used to round a floating number to the specified number of decimal places.

The general syntax for the round() function is

round(number, ndigits)

round() Parameters

Python round() function parameters
Parameter Condition Description
number Required Number to round
ndigits Optional Number of decimal digits to round to.
Default is None.

If ndigits is not provided then the number is rounded to the nearest integer.

Let’s see some examples.

Example: Round numbers in Python using round()

number = 4.658
print(round(number,2)) # output 4.66

number = 4.658
print(round(number,1)) # output 4.7

number = 4.658
print(round(number)) # output 5

number = 3.608
print(round(number,2)) # output 3.61 

number = 3.608
print(round(number,1)) # output 3.6 

Round To Ten’s or Hundred’s

We can also specify a negative value for ndigits. In this case, the number gets rounded to ten’s or hundreds.

Let’s see some examples of the same.

number = 41
print(round(number,-1)) # output 40

number = 46
print(round(number,-1)) # output 50

number = 52
print(round(number,-1)) # output 50

number = 98
print(round(number,-2)) # output 100

number = 105
print(round(number,-2)) # output 100

Rounding Up or Down

If you want to round number explicitly up or down then use ceil() or floor() function of python’s math module.

import math

# Round a number up
x = math.ceil(4.2)   


import math

# Round a number up
x = math.floor(4.2)   



If Hope now rounding number in python would be easy for you. If you have any suggestions or doubts then comment below.

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