Shortest Path in Unweighted Undirected Graph using DFS


Problem: Given an unweighted undirected graph, find the shortest path from the given source to the given destination using the depth-first search algorithm.

Shortest path in the graph

Since the graph is undirected and connected, there is at least one path between any two vertices of the graph. Therefore it is possible to find the shortest path between any two vertices using the DFS traversal algorithm.

The idea is to successively seek for a smaller path from source to destination vertex using the DFS algorithm.

We explore all possible paths and compare them based on their length. The one with the shortest length is the shortest path between the given vertices.

How to compare length of the possible paths?

We use an integrer length variable to keep count of the number of vertices in the active route (depth) of DFS.

Every time we visit a vertex we increment it by 1.

If the vertex that is being visited is the destination vertex, we compare it with the shortest length of all the discovered paths by then.

How to get route of the shortest path?

we use an extra node property called prev that stores the reference of the preceding vertex for each vertex.

Every time we visit a vertex, we also update its prev value with the last visited vertex.

preceding vertex

Using the prev value, we trace the route back from the end vertex to the starting vertex. Example for the given graph, route = E <- B <- A.

Let’s see the implementations of this approach in Python, C++ and Java.

Shortest Path in Graph represented using Adjacency Matrix

Adjacency Matrix is an 2D array that indicates whether the pair of nodes are adjacent or not in the graph.

Graph represented using Adjacency Matrix


import sys

class ShortestPath:
  def __init__(self, start, end):
    self.start = start
    self.end = end
    self.shortLength = sys.maxsize

  def findPath(self):
    #start DFS from the start vertex
    #trace the route to output the path   

  def dfs(self, vertex):
    global length
    #Increment the current path length by 1
    length +=1

    #1st base condition
    #return if current route is longer
    #than the already discovered route 
    if length > self.shortLength:

    #2nd base condition
    #if reach the destination vertex
    #update the shortLength and
    #return to explore shorter routes 
    if vertex == self.end:
      self.shortLength = length

    #mark vertex as visited to prevent overvisit
    visited[vertex] = 1
    #iterate through all unvisited neighbors vertices
    for i in range(N):
      if adjacencyM[vertex][i] == 1 and visited[i] == 0:
        nbr = i
        #update the preceding vertex of the neighbors
        prev[nbr] = vertex

        #recursively visit the neighbors
        #to continue search for the destination vertex

    #visited[vertex] = 0
    length -=1

  #Function to trace the route using preceding nodes
  def trace_route(self):
    vertex = self.end
    route = []

    #start node has no preceding node
    #so loop until node->prev is null 
    while vertex != -1:
      vertex = prev[vertex]

    #reverse the route bring start to the front
    #output route
if __name__ == '__main__':
  #vertices or nodes
  vertices_names = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'];
  #number of vertices
  N = len(vertices_names)

  #Adjacency Matrix
  adjacencyM = [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                [1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
                [0, 1, 0, 1, 1],
                [0, 0, 1 ,0, 1],
                [0, 1, 0, 1, 0]];

  #List mapping of vertices to mark them visited
  visited = [0 for x in range(N)]
  #List to stores preceding vertices
  prev = [-1 for x in range(N)]

  #Driver code
  sp = ShortestPath(0, 4)
  length = 0


#include <iostream>
#define N 5
using namespace std;

//vertices or nodes
char  vertices_names[] = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'};
//Adjacency Matrix
int adjacencyM[N][N] = {{0, 1, 0, 0, 0},
                        {1, 0, 1, 0, 1},
                        {0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
                        {0, 0, 1 ,0, 1},
                        {0, 1, 0, 1, 0}};
class ShortestPath{
  //array to store preceding nodes
  int prev[N] = {-1};
  //array mapping to make visited vertices 
  int visited[N] = {0};
  //start and end nodes index
  int start, end;
  //variable to store length of the current route
  int length = 0;
  //variable to store length of the shortest route
  int shortLength = INT32_MAX;

  ShortestPath(int start, int end){
    this->start = start;
    this->end = end;

  void findPath(){
    //start DFS from the start vertex
    //trace the route to output the path   

  void dfs(int vertex){
    //Increment the current path length by 1
    length +=1;

    //1st base condition
    //return if current route is longer
    //than the already discovered route 
    if(length > shortLength)

    //2nd base condition
    //if reach the destination vertex
    //update the shortLength and
    //return to explore shorter routes 
    if(vertex == end){
      shortLength = length;

    //mark vertex as visited to prevent overvisit
    visited[vertex] = 1;
    //iterate through all unvisited neighbors vertices
    for(int i=0; i<N; i++){
      if(adjacencyM[vertex][i] == 1 and visited[i] == 0){
        int nbr = i;
        //update the preceding vertex of the neighbors
        prev[nbr] = vertex;

        //recursively visit the neighbors
        //to continue search for the destination vertex

    //decrement length when tracing back
    length -=1;

  //Function to trace back route
  void trace_route(){
    list<char> route;
    int vertex = end;
    //start node has no preceding vertex
    //so loop until prev[vertex] is -1 
    while(vertex != -1){
      vertex = prev[vertex];
    //Display the route
    for(char n: route){
      cout << n <<" ";

int main()
  //Driver Code
  ShortestPath shortestPath(0, 4);


import java.util.*;

class ShortestPath{
  //Adjacency matrix
  int adjacencyM[][];
  //vertices labels
  char vertices_names[];
  //array to store preceding nodes of the traversed vertices
  int prev[];
  //array mapping to make visited vertices
  int visited[];
  //start and end vertices index
  int start, end;
  //variable to store length of the current route
  int length = 0;
  //variable to store length of the shortest route
  int shortLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
  ShortestPath(int adjacencyM[][], char[] vertices, int start, int end){
    this.adjacencyM = adjacencyM;
    this.vertices_names = vertices;
    this.start = start;
    this.end = end;
    this.visited = new int[vertices.length];
    this.prev = new int[vertices.length];
    Arrays.fill(this.prev, -1);
  public void findPath(){
    //start DFS from the start vertex
    //trace the route to output the path   

  private void dfs(int vertex){
    //Increment the current path length by 1
    length +=1;

    //1st base condition
    //return if current route is longer
    //than the already discovered route 
    if(length > shortLength)

    //2nd base condition
    //if reach the destination vertex
    //update the shortLength and
    //return to explore shorter routes 
    if(vertex == end){
      shortLength = length;

    //mark vertex as visited to prevent overvisit
    visited[vertex] = 1;
    //iterate through all unvisited neighbors vertices
    for(int i=0; i<adjacencyM.length; i++){
      if(adjacencyM[vertex][i] == 1 && visited[i] == 0){
        int nbr = i;
        //update the preceding vertex of the neighbors
        prev[nbr] = vertex;

        //recursively visit the neighbors
        //to continue search for the destination vertex

    //decrement length when tracing back
    length -=1;

  //Function to trace route using preceding nodes
  private void trace_route(){
    int vertex = end;
    List<Character> route = new ArrayList<>();
    //start vertex has no preceding vertex
    //so loop until prev[vertex] is -1 
      vertex = prev[vertex];
    //Reverse route to bring start vertex at front
    //Output the route
class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //vertices or nodes array
    char vertices[] = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'};
    //Adjacency Matrix
    int adjacencyM[][] = {{0, 1, 0, 0, 0},
                          {1, 0, 1, 0, 1},
                          {0, 1, 0, 1, 1},
                          {0, 0, 1 ,0, 1},
                          {0, 1, 0, 1, 0}};
    //Driver Code
    ShortestPath shortestPath = new ShortestPath(adjacencyM, vertices, 0, 4);


[A, B, E]

In the above program, the visited array keeps records of the visited vertices and the prev array holds the preceding vertex of each vertex on the corresponding index.

In one of the base conditions, when the length of the active DFS route exceeds the length of the smallest path ever discovered, we deliberately return to look for another way.

Shortest Path in Graph represented using Adjacency List

Every vertex of the graph holds a list of its neighbor (connected) vertices.

Graph represented using adjacency list


import sys

#class representing vertex of a graph
class Vertex:
  def __init__(self, name):
    #vertex label = name
    #variable to hold preceding vertex reference
    self.prev = None
    #variable to mark vertex as visited
    self.visited = False
    #adjacency list
    self.neighbors = []

  #Method to connect nodes (undirected)
  def add_neighbor(self, node):

  #String representaion of vertex class
  def __repr__(self):

class ShortestPath:
  def __init__(self, start, end):
    #start vertex
    self.start = start
    #end vertex
    self.end = end
    #hold the length of the active route in DFS
    self.length =0
    #variable to store length of the shortest route
    self.shortLength = sys.maxsize

  def findPath(self):
    #start DFS from the start vertex
    #trace the route to output the path   

  def dfs(self, vertex):
    #Increment the current path length by 1
    self.length +=1

    #1st base condition
    #return if current route is longer
    #than the already discovered route 
    if self.length > self.shortLength:

    #2nd base condition
    #if reach the destination vertex
    #update the shortLength and
    #return to explore shorter routes 
    if vertex == self.end:
      self.shortLength = self.length

    #mark vertex as visited to prevent overvisit
    vertex.visited = True
    #iterate through all unvisited neighbors vertices
    for nbr in vertex.neighbors:
      if not nbr.visited:
        #update the preceding vertex of the neighbors
        nbr.prev = vertex

        #recursively visit the neighbors
        #to continue search for the destination vertex

    #decrement length when tracing back
    self.length -=1

  #Function to trace the route using preceding nodes
  def trace_route(self):
    node = self.end
    route = []
    #start node has no preceding node
    #so loop until node->prev is null 
    while node:
      node = node.prev
    #reverse the route bring start to the front
    #output route
if __name__ == '__main__':
  vertices = [Vertex('A'), Vertex('B'), Vertex('C'), Vertex('D'), Vertex('E')]
  #connect nodes (i.e. create graph)

  #driver code
  shortestPath = ShortestPath(vertices[0], vertices[4])


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//class representing vertex of a graph
class Vertex{
  //vertex label
  char name;
  //variable to mark vertex as visited
  bool visited =  false;
  //variable to hold preceding vertex reference
  Vertex* prev = nullptr;
  //Adjacency List of the vertex
  list<Vertex*> neighbors;
  Vertex(char name){
    this->name = name;
  //Method to connect vertices (undirected)
  void add_neighbor(Vertex* v){
class ShortestPath{
  //start vertex
  Vertex* start;
  //end vertex
  Vertex* end;
  //variable to store length of the current route
  int length = 0;
  //variable to store length of the shortest route
  int shortLength = INT32_MAX;

  ShortestPath(Vertex* start, Vertex* end){
    this->start = start;
    this->end = end;

  void findPath(){
    //start DFS from the start vertex
    //trace the route to output the path   

  void dfs(Vertex* vertex){
    //Increment the current path length by 1
    length +=1;

    //1st base condition
    //return if current route is longer
    //than the already discovered route 
    if(length > shortLength)

    //2nd base condition
    //if reach the destination vertex
    //update the shortLength and
    //return to explore shorter routes 
    if(vertex == end){
      shortLength = length;

    //mark vertex as visited to prevent overvisit
    vertex->visited = true;
    //iterate through all unvisited neighbors vertices
    for(Vertex* nbr: vertex->neighbors){
        //update the preceding vertex of the neighbors
        nbr->prev = vertex;

        //recursively visit the neighbors
        //to continue search for the destination vertex

    //decrement length when tracing back
    length -=1;

  //Function to trace back route
  void trace_route(){
    list<char> route;
    Vertex* vertex = end;
    //start vertex has no preceding vertex
    //so loop until vertex-> is null
    while(vertex != nullptr){
      vertex = vertex->prev;
    //Display the route
    for(char n: route){
      cout << n <<" ";


int main()
  Vertex* vertices[] = {new Vertex('A'), new Vertex('B'),new Vertex('C'),new Vertex('D'),new Vertex('E')};
  //connect vertices (i.e. create graph)
  //Driver Code
  ShortestPath shortestPath(vertices[0], vertices[4]);


import java.util.*;

//Class representing a vertex of a graph
class Vertex{
  //vertex label
  String name;
  //Adjacency List
  List<Vertex> neighbors;
  //variable to mark vertex as visited
  boolean visited = false;
  //variable to hold preceding vertex reference
  Vertex prev = null;

  Vertex(String name){ = name;
    this.neighbors = new ArrayList<>();

  //Method to connect vertices
  void add_neighbor(Vertex vertex){

  //String representation of the class
  public String toString(){

class ShortestPath{
  //start and end vertex
  Vertex start, end;
  //variable to store length of the current route
  int length = 0;
  //variable to store length of the shortest route
  int shortLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

  ShortestPath(Vertex start, Vertex end){
    this.start = start;
    this.end = end;

  void findPath(){
    //start DFS from the start vertex
    //trace the route to output the path   

  private void dfs(Vertex vertex){
    //Increment the current path length by 1
    length +=1;

    //1st base condition
    //return if current route is longer
    //than the already discovered route 
    if(length > shortLength)

    //2nd base condition
    //if reach the destination vertex
    //update the shortLength and
    //return to explore shorter routes 
    if(vertex == end){
      shortLength = length;

    //mark vertex as visited to prevent overvisit
    vertex.visited = true;
    //iterate through all unvisited neighbors vertices
    for(Vertex nbr: vertex.neighbors){
        //update the preceding vertex of the neighbors
        nbr.prev = vertex;

        //recursively visit the neighbors
        //to continue search for the destination vertex

    //decrement length when tracing back
    length -=1;

  //Function to trace the route 
  private void trace_route(){
    Vertex vertex = end;
    List<Vertex> route = new ArrayList<>();
    //preceding vertex of start vertex is null
    //becasue start.prev == null
    while(vertex != null){
      vertex = vertex.prev;
    //Reverse the route bring start to the front
    //Output the route

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Vertex vertices[] = {new Vertex("A"), new Vertex("B"),new Vertex("C"),new Vertex("D"),new Vertex("E")};
    //connect vertices (i.e. create graph)

    //Driver Code
    ShortestPath sp = new ShortestPath(vertices[0], vertices[4]);


[A, B, E]

In this method, we represented the vertex of the graph as a class that contains the preceding vertex prev and the visited flag as a member variable.

The time complexity of finding the shortest path using DFS is equal to the complexity of the depth-first search i.e. O(V+E) because in the worst case the algorithm has to cross every vertices and edges of the graph.

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