Shortest Path in Weighted Directed Graph using Bellman-Ford Algorithm


Problem: Given a weighted directed graph, find the shortest path from a given source to a given destination vertex using the Bellman-Ford algorithm.

shortest path in weighted directed graph

In the previous post, we learned to calculate the distance of vertices by applying the Bellman-Ford algorithm, did not find the leading path to them.

We can keep track of the path from the source to all other vertices by storing the reference of the preceding vertices.

Relaxing edges in Bellman Ford algorithm

Whenever we relax any edge, we also update the preceding vertex of the target vertex.

By tracing the preceding references, we print the path from the destination to the source node in reverse order.

Here is the implementation of the solution in Python, Java and C++:


class Vertex:
  def __init__(self, name):
    #vertex label = name
    #distance from the source vertex
    self.distance = float('inf') 
    #predecing vertex 
    self.prev = None

  #string representation of the class
  def __repr__(self):

class Edge:
  def __init__(self, _from, _to, _cost):
    #from vertex
    self._from = _from
    #to vertex
    self._to = _to
    #edge weight or cost
    self._cost = _cost

class BellmanFord:
  #method implementing the Bellman-Ford algorithm
  def findPath(self, source, edges, v):
    #distance of the source vertex to itself is 0
    source.distance = 0

    #relax all the edges V-1 times
    for i in range(v-1):
      for edge in edges:
        if edge._from.distance + edge._cost < edge._to.distance:
          edge._to.distance = edge._from.distance + edge._cost
          #update the preceding vertex of the target vertex
          edge._to.prev = edge._from

    #If any more relaxation is possible
    #then, it means graph has a cycle
    for edge in edges:
        if edge._from.distance + edge._cost < edge._to.distance:
          print("Graph has a negative cycle")
          return False

    return True

  function to trace path from destination to 
  the source vertex using the preceding nodes
  def trace_path(self, source, destination):
    vertex = destination
    path = []

    #iterate until we reach the source vertex
    while(vertex is not source):
      #append vertex to the front of the list
      path.insert(0, vertex)
      #update the iteration variable
      vertex = vertex.prev
    #also append the source vertex
    path.insert(0, source)

    #return the path
    return path

if __name__ == '__main__':
  #vertices of the graph
  vertices = [Vertex('A'), Vertex('B'), Vertex('C'), Vertex('D'), Vertex('E')]
  #edges of the graph
  edges = [Edge(vertices[0], vertices[1], 10), 
           Edge(vertices[1], vertices[2], -15),
           Edge(vertices[0], vertices[2], 5),
           Edge(vertices[2], vertices[3], 20),
           Edge(vertices[3], vertices[4], 5),
           Edge(vertices[0], vertices[4], 30)]

  #driver code
  bellmanFord = BellmanFord()
  #output the path only when the graph has no cycle
  if bellmanFord.findPath(vertices[0], edges, len(vertices)):
    print("Distance: ",vertices[4].distance)
    print("Path: ", bellmanFord.trace_path(vertices[0], vertices[4]))


#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
using namespace std;

class Vertex{
  //vertex label
  char name;
  //distance from the source vertex
  double distance; 
  //preceding vertex
  Vertex* prev = nullptr;

  Vertex(char name){
    this->name = name;
    this->distance = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();

class Edge{
  //from vertex
  Vertex* from;
  //to vertex
  Vertex* to;
  //edge weight or cost
  double cost;

  Edge(Vertex *from, Vertex* to, double cost){
    this->from = from;
    this->to = to;
    this->cost = cost;

class BellmanFord{
    *method implementing Bellman Ford algorithm
  bool findPath(Vertex* source, list<Edge*> edges, int v){
    //distance of the source vertex to itself is 0
    source->distance = 0;

    //relax all the edges V-1 times
    for(int i=1; i<=(v-1); i++){
      for(Edge* edge: edges){
        if(edge->from->distance + edge->cost < edge->to->distance){
          edge->to->distance = edge->from->distance + edge->cost;
            *if edge is relaxed then also update
            *the preceding vertex of the target vertex
          edge->to->prev = edge->from;

      *If any more relaxation is possible
      *then, it means graph has a cycle
    for(Edge* edge: edges){
      if(edge->from->distance + edge->cost < edge->to->distance){
        cout << "Graph has a negative cycle";
        return false;

    return true;

    *function to trace path from destination to 
    *the source vertex using the preceding nodes
  list<Vertex*> trace_path(Vertex* source, Vertex* destination){
    Vertex* vertex = destination;
    list<Vertex*> path;

    //iterate until we reach the source vertex
    while(vertex != source){
      //append vertex to the front of the list
      //update the iteration variable
      vertex = vertex->prev;

    //also append the source vertex

    //return the path
    return path;

int main() {
  //vertices of the graph
  Vertex* vertices[] = {new Vertex('A'), new Vertex('B'), new Vertex('C'), new Vertex('D'), new Vertex('E')};
  //edges of the graph
  list<Edge*> edges {new Edge(vertices[0], vertices[1], 10), 
                     new Edge(vertices[1], vertices[2], -15),
                     new Edge(vertices[0], vertices[2], 5),
                     new Edge(vertices[2], vertices[3], 20),
                     new Edge(vertices[3], vertices[4], 5),
                     new Edge(vertices[0], vertices[4], 30)};
  //driver code
  BellmanFord bellmanFord;
    *output the path only when the graph has no cycle,
    *call the findpath method with V=5
  if(bellmanFord.findPath(vertices[0], edges, 5)){
    //get the path using the trace_path method
    list<Vertex*> path = bellmanFord.trace_path(vertices[0], vertices[4]);

    //output the destination vertex distance
    cout << "Distance: " << vertices[4]->distance << "\n";

    //output the path
    cout << "Path: ";
    for(Vertex* v: path){
      cout << v->name << " ";


import java.util.*;

class Vertex{
  //vertex label
  String name;
  //distance from the source vertex
  double distance;
  //preceding vertex
  Vertex prev; 

  Vertex(String name){ = name;
    this.distance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

  //string representation of the class
  public String toString(){

class Edge{
  //from vertex
  Vertex from;
  //to vertex
  Vertex to;
  //edge weight or cost
  double cost;

  Edge(Vertex from, Vertex to, double cost){
    this.from = from; = to;
    this.cost = cost;

class BellmanFord{
  //method implementing Bellman Ford algorithm
  boolean findPath(Vertex source, Edge edges[], int v){
    //distance of the source vertex to itself is 0
    source.distance = 0;

    //relax all the edges V-1 times
    for(int i=1; i<=(v-1); i++){
      for(Edge edge: edges){
        if(edge.from.distance + edge.cost <{
 = edge.from.distance + edge.cost;
            *if edge is relaxed then also update
            *the preceding vertex of the target vertex
 = edge.from;

      *If any more relaxation is possible
      *then, it means graph has a cycle
    for(Edge edge: edges){
      if(edge.from.distance + edge.cost <{
        System.out.println("Graph has a negative cycle");
        return false;

    return true;

    *function to trace path from destination to 
    *the source vertex using the preceding nodes
  List<Vertex> trace_path(Vertex source, Vertex destination){
    Vertex vertex = destination;
    List<Vertex> path = new ArrayList<>();

    //iterate until we reach the source vertex
    while(vertex != source){
      //append vertex to the front of the list
      path.add(0, vertex);
      //update the iteration variable
      vertex = vertex.prev;

    //also append the source vertex
    path.add(0, source);

    //return the path
    return path;

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //vertices of the graph
    Vertex vertices[] = {new Vertex("A"), new Vertex("B"), new Vertex("C"), new Vertex("D"), new Vertex("E")};
    //edges of the graph
    Edge edges[] = {new Edge(vertices[0], vertices[1], 10), 
                    new Edge(vertices[1], vertices[2], -15),
                    new Edge(vertices[0], vertices[2], 5),
                    new Edge(vertices[2], vertices[3], 20),
                    new Edge(vertices[3], vertices[4], 5),
                    new Edge(vertices[0], vertices[4], 30)};

    //driver code
    BellmanFord bellmanFord = new BellmanFord();
      *output the path only when the graph has no cycle,
      *call the findpath method with V=5
    if(bellmanFord.findPath(vertices[0], edges, 5)){
      //get the path using the trace_path method
      List<Vertex> path = bellmanFord.trace_path(vertices[0], vertices[4]);

      //output the destination vertex distance
      System.out.println("Distance: "+ vertices[4].distance);

      //output the path
      System.out.println("Path: "+path);


Distance: 20
Path: [A, B, C, D, E]

In this example, we have chosen A as the source vertex and E as the destination vertex.

In the above program, we have represented graph as a adjacency list.

We first created the list of vertices and edges of the given graph and then executed the Bellman-Ford algorithm on it.

After the execution of the algorithm, we traced the path from the destination to the source vertex and output the same.

The complexity of the algorithm is O(VE). Since this solution incorporates the Belman-Ford algorithm to find the shortest path, it also works with graphs having negative-weighted edges.

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